Monday, April 6, 2015


     For this project, I will be working with Katherine and Mary Wise to discuss a certain aspect of the game, Grand Theft Auto V, that we all feel strongly about.  The topic we have decided to focus on is that of rape primarily but also the disrespect that follows women in the game.
     We want to first discuss some statistics on rape and basically call to everyone's attention what a real and severe problem it is.  From there we will go into how this actually takes place in the game.  We plan to discuss how exactly it comes about and look into some of the other ways that disrespect follows women throughout the game.  Not only are there actions, such as rape that take place but just words and portrayals as well.  The way woman are spoken to, the way they speak, and the type of women that are seen in the game are all important topics to discuss as well.
     Next we want to get into how inappropriate it is for kids.  Although the game is rated M for mature, young children still have access to it and are playing it.  That is why rape shouldn't even be an option.  Having young kids that comfortable and exposed to that topic is just terrible and could dissolve the lone between video game and reality for some.
     Finally, we will conclude with our counter argument.  The counter argument presented will be that the option to rape was not initially put in by the designers of the game but added in and made to exist by hackers.  Nonetheless, this shouldn't even be an option or something people are doing as an act of recreation.

Friday, March 13, 2015

I would like to write about how there should be more strict punishments for animal abuse.  This is a very relevant issue that takes place in all parts of the world.  I will start by raising some awareness through presenting some facts about animal abuse.  It is very necessary that the reader gets some background and knows about the issue before I go any farther.  After that I want to talk about the current punishments in some different states for some different types of abuse.  I'm not sure where else I want to go just yet but I am considering looking into the psychology of the abuse.  I want to know what makes a person act in such a way that they enjoy hurting the innocent.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Project 3

     For project 3, I would like to definitely do something pertaining to my major and possible career paths.  I am a biology major and have been questioning a lot lately if there is anything I can do with my major without attending some sort of professional school.  I think researching resume's would be a great start for me to see what kind of degrees people have in Biology, what jobs they have worked, and what sort of jobs they are working towards.  I love the idea of this assignment because although I still have a lot of work to do on deciding exactly what it is I want to do for it, I can benefit a lot from it.  I can make it relevant to me and my future and because of that I will hopefully take a real interest in the research I do.

     One of my bio professors took his education even farther with a post doc, which is completed after a doctorate.  This really caught my attention and I could definitely see myself looking a little more into those and what they entail.  I think I'll definitely end up doing something along the lines of a cover letter or a resume to compare and contrast possibilities.  I also think it'll be helpful so I've already been exposed to it when it comes time to need to make a real one.  That's all I have so far, its not much of a "road-map" but I know where I'd like to go in general.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

     For assignment one, I was expecting it to be a lot harder than it was, especially when it came to finding a supporting source.  When I started to actually research it I found one fairly quickly that verbalized almost everything I felt towards the topic.  It was very easy for me to explain why and how it’s possible that everyone these days is an author.
     What I found challenging was bringing the paper full circle.  I knew that the piece I was writing about is a form of authoring, because it was a speech and that certainly is authoring.  Again, I found easy to explain the ability of everyone to be an author, but because of that I had a hard time bringing the two together as strongly as I would have liked to.  Another challenge I faced was with simple MLA rules that I haven’t used in a while.  In high school, where most of my writing experience comes from, all we did was write MLA papers on books and other literature we had read.  There was no personal side to it, like we were allowed to have in this paper.  Even though we discussed in class that our papers for assignment one would have to use some personal pronouns as we made our arguments, I struggled to make that happen in a way that sounded okay.  There were a few places where I found myself awkwardly switching between the two styles.

     All in all, I was expecting the first assignment to be way worse than it was.  I think it could be due to the fact that I associate bad experiences with all my past papers.  This is due to a mix of not understanding and not caring about what I was being made to write about.  Having the freedom to pick a piece definitely made it a little less painful.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hi guys! My name is Brooke Maddie and I'm from Lake Wylie, SC, which is a very small town right outside of Charlotte, NC.  I was born in Nashville, TN and have also lived in North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin.  My family however is entirely from New Orleans, Louisiana and we spend a lot of time down there.  I have two sisters, one older than me who just graduated from Clemson in December, and the other a freshman in high school.  I am a freshman Biological Sciences major and am also a member of Chi Omega here at Clemson and love it so much!  The only authoring experience I have would include reports for English classes in high school, a research paper in anatomy, and maybe a few other papers in other classes.  I also have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so I use those very frequently also.